Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

God Has Sovereignty over All Creation

Message From Our Lady of Emmitsburg to Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on July 1, 2023


My dear little children praised be Jesus!

There are so many people who cry tears for assistance from My most Immaculate Heart. My Immaculate Heart is a safe refuge for all children of God against all demonic temptations and attacks.

The Legions of Angels are about to be released to protect My children and to destroy the evil in the world. As your Mother and Queen of Heaven, the Holy Legions will pursue the demons and send them into the abyss. People may think that evil is winning this battle to destroy souls, but this will only be for a limited time. God has sovereignty over all creation. What may seem to many people to be destruction and doom, God allows because it is in His overall plan. Satan was given a certain time frame to prove souls would not remain faithful to Him (God). The Truth will be revealed, and all will know who has the power. All will know who God is. He will be victorious over evil. If anyone should fear, it should be a Holy fear of God and not fear of the devil. He is God and only He has the ruling power over all of creation.

I desire peace and safety for you, My children. Pray, pray, and pray.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Ad Deum.

Source: ➥